What's it all about?

In Summer 2009, Andy Allsopp participated in LEL: A 1400km international ultra marathon cycling event, played out between the capital cities of England and Scotland.

In early 2010, a record of his attempt was published as a paperback, now made available through Amazon UK (and US), or worldwide through LULU.

Friday, 26 February 2010

Non cyclist perspective

The book has been getting great reviews from the cycling community, and its all very encouraging.

Today, I got my first feedback from a non-cyclist, and am pleased to note she also got something from it.

"An amazing ride. A brilliant read. You do not have to be remotely interested in cycling to enjoy this great book. If you have a bike in the garage it is a must."

Perhaps she'll take even the bike out of the garage when the weather warms up! :)

Thanks again for all your support.

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