What's it all about?

In Summer 2009, Andy Allsopp participated in LEL: A 1400km international ultra marathon cycling event, played out between the capital cities of England and Scotland.

In early 2010, a record of his attempt was published as a paperback, now made available through Amazon UK (and US), or worldwide through LULU.

Thursday, 29 July 2010

Now available for iBooks (no, really, check the iBookstore!)

Well, that was an interesting 7 weeks. I submitted BarringMechanicals to Apple's iBookstore, having spent a few days marshalling it into ePub format, adding a further reading section, and neatening up the HTML formatting. I got a mail back saying it would be reviewed for acceptance, and that submission was not a guarantee of placement.

Nothing heard. Weeks pass.

Then today, I get a mail from lulu summarising the month's royalties, which I note includes 2 copies for the iPad. Without an iPhone (iOS4) or iPad, there's no way I can check this, but if its been plucked from the digital shelves, presumably it must be up for grabs.

So, go have a look. You should be able to browse direct from your device.

ID Name Quantity Royalties
8923487 Barring Mechanicals - From London to Edinburgh and back, on a recumbent bicycle -- Apple iPad 2£2.16
