What's it all about?

In Summer 2009, Andy Allsopp participated in LEL: A 1400km international ultra marathon cycling event, played out between the capital cities of England and Scotland.

In early 2010, a record of his attempt was published as a paperback, now made available through Amazon UK (and US), or worldwide through LULU.

Thursday, 29 July 2010

Now available for iBooks (no, really, check the iBookstore!)

Well, that was an interesting 7 weeks. I submitted BarringMechanicals to Apple's iBookstore, having spent a few days marshalling it into ePub format, adding a further reading section, and neatening up the HTML formatting. I got a mail back saying it would be reviewed for acceptance, and that submission was not a guarantee of placement.

Nothing heard. Weeks pass.

Then today, I get a mail from lulu summarising the month's royalties, which I note includes 2 copies for the iPad. Without an iPhone (iOS4) or iPad, there's no way I can check this, but if its been plucked from the digital shelves, presumably it must be up for grabs.

So, go have a look. You should be able to browse direct from your device.

ID Name Quantity Royalties
8923487 Barring Mechanicals - From London to Edinburgh and back, on a recumbent bicycle -- Apple iPad 2£2.16



  1. Wow, this is really taking off!

    We ordered a couple extra copies and the recipients enjoyed the read too!


  2. @Telemark:
    Congratulations! You're the first to ever comment on the blog. I was wondering if it was just little old me out here :)

  3. Do we both get cake to celebrate?

  4. Is it not available properly for Kindle yet? The prototype copy reads ok on mine.

  5. Sorry Mart. Amazon were being odd with my account, and then I managed to get locked out forever more. I've actually found the mail of the prototype, and read it on my Kindle recently.

    I might set up a new account and start trying to offer it again. No idea why Amazon make this so hard.
