What's it all about?

In Summer 2009, Andy Allsopp participated in LEL: A 1400km international ultra marathon cycling event, played out between the capital cities of England and Scotland.

In early 2010, a record of his attempt was published as a paperback, now made available through Amazon UK (and US), or worldwide through LULU.

Monday, 31 May 2010

Barring Mechanicals Charts!


Seems Lulu is keeping tabs on things. I've just been pointed at the categorised 'top 100' for May, and suddenly find Barring Mechanicals at Number 18. Considering Lulu published around 8,000 new titles each month in 2009, I'm calling 18th a very good place. :)

More annoyingly, the graphic arrow suggests it was higher ranked last month, and I'm willing to bet higher again the month before. Sales seemed to peak in March, so I'd love to be able to roll back and see where i was then.

Oh well... 

Got some possible news coming up about a new distribution channel too, but more on that later.

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